Frigate Bay To The South Peninsula

Frigate Bay is easily known as the most popular beach of all on St. Kitts and holds this reputation for a number of reasons. The clear, tranquil water and golden sands are ideal and that’s only the beginning.

When you’re not busy sunbathing or swimming along the beach, there are plenty of beach bars nearby. You may stop to enjoy a drink or satisfy your palate with some tasty St. Kitts dishes. Needless to say, you get everything you’re looking for in one place on the phenomenal south Frigate Bay beach and we’re overjoyed to be the only hotel on the Caribbean beach in Frigate Bay.

South Frigate Bay Beach (The Caribbean Beach)

Timothy Beach Resort rests at the southeast end of this quarter-mile stretch of golden sand. Rooms are perpendicular to the crystalline turquoise waters so that all but the mountain view rooms have sunset views from their balconies or patios. South Frigate Bay Beach also hosts the water sports concessions for all of Frigate Bay. Located adjacent to Timothy Beach Resort, it couldn’t be any more convenient.  At the end of the day, the Dock Bar opens Monday – Friday for your celebration of a fun, relaxing day at the beach.  On Sunday evenings, for your listening and dancing pleasure, there is a rotating schedule of live bands and DJs following the Sunday West Indian Buffet.

North Frigate Bay Beach (The Atlantic Beach)

A lovely beach just a 7-minute walk from Timothy Beach Resort at its nearest point. The waves are a bit rough at times, but this is a good beach for longer strolls. The best snorkeling is available at the far end near some deserted white condominiums with red roofs, known as Palm Bay.  A car is recommended for the 5-minute drive or half hour walk to this snorkeling site.  There are some very nice coral formations and a number of small fish to be seen in this area.  There are rows and rows of coral parallel to the shore which tame the Atlantic waves but absolutely stay within the innermost layer for safety’s sake.  Remember this rule and enjoy. There are true stories of experienced divers having immense difficulty returning to shore from the other side of the reefs.

South Friars Beach

When our guests wonder what is on the other side of our mountain, this is the answer. Another lovely quarter mile golden sand beach on the Caribbean, the far end is particularly nice with a few palm trees and some rustic beach bars.  A reef runs all along the shore and you must first swim over it to enjoy snorkeling immediately on the other side. As at other snorkeling spots, please watch out for sea urchins and an occasional lionfish, neither of which will bother you unless you bother them. Snorkeling may also be found in front of the Shipwreck bar at the furthest south end. At the north end of South Friars is a new upscale restaurant named Carambola. This beach is a favorite stop for the five mast ships.

North Friars Beach

Not for snorkeling or swimming, this beach, just across from South Friars on the Atlantic side, has rough waves, pounding surf and rocky reefs close to shore.  Despite this, it might be nice for a short walk to enjoy the solitude. Watch for the areas where your feet sink deeply into the sand and be careful to not disturb the nesting sea turtles, which are an endangered species.

White House Bay

Located at the base of the last high hill on the South Peninsula Road and on the Caribbean, this beach is a popular spot for the mooring of yachts. “Beach” is used loosely in this instance for bare sand is truly at a premium. The shores are very rocky (coral), but the beauty is in the sea. Have your mask, fins and snorkel gear ready.  This is your opportunity to search for the remains of a Spanish galleon from the 1600s.  If you have no luck, don’t worry – most of it is in the National Museum on Bay Road in Basseterre. Recently, an upscale beach bar named Salt Plage has been built in this area, but snorkeling is still very good and immediately off shore.

Sandy Bank Beach

Located on the Atlantic side just slightly beyond and opposite White House Bay.  Truly this is one of the most enchanting beaches on St. Kitts.  Located in a small Atlantic facing cove, the length is once again about 1/4 mile. There is a moderate walk from the parking area. The waves and the wind can be rough, but the sand is lovely, while the water is shallow for a number of yards off shore. Make sure to secure your belongings high on the beach so that they don’t disappear with high tide. Also, beware of the potential for a riptide and remember to remain calm and swim parallel to shore to escape, should the need arise.

Cockleshell Beach

Take the next paved road off to the left beyond Sandy Bank and continue straight toward Cockleshell Beach.  Directly on the beach and to the right is the lovely Spice Mill restaurant, owned by the publisher of the St. Kitts Visitor magazine.  More golden sand beach is off to the left where you will find the popular Reggae Beach Bar at the far end. The owners of the well known Turtle Beach bar moved to this new location in late 2008.  Snorkeling may be found along the hill to the left.

Turtle Beach

Begin on the same road to Cockleshell, but take a turn to the left after about half a mile.  Now home to the very upscale Beach House restaurant where you can dine in elegant natural surroundings with a superb view of Nevis. To the right of the Beach House, about 30 yards from shore are some lovely reefs.  Try to plan this outing for a less windy day for best visibility while snorkeling. If you plan in advance, you may be able to treat yourself to lunch at the Beach House while you are there.

Majors Bay

This is the last beach at the end of the South Peninsula Road.  The car ferry to Nevis, completed in 2009, is at this location.  There are some abandoned barges which were used for dredging the deep harbor in Basseterre and in the past the sea bed was home to starfish.  Remember taking live shells, including starfish, is prohibited.

Other Beaches About St. Kitts Island

To the North there are black sand volcanic beaches, the color of which is the result of volcanic eruptions occurring hundreds and thousands of years ago. Many of these beaches are adjacent to small towns or fishing villages and have been frequented for centuries.  Many beach lovers describe black sand, but to really understand it, stop at the Golden Lemon in the far north town of Dieppe Bay during your island tour to see what black sand is really like. It is exactly as it sounds – not gray, not brown, but black.  It has a striking beauty in its’ own right  – a don’t miss while visiting St. Kitts.